By 2040, 65% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. This adds an unprecedented toll on cities as they grapple with skyrocketing traffic congestion, people’s safety and the need to provide citizens with more real-time and on-demand services. As cities continue to expand at exponential rates, overall demand for street lighting and energy consumption are also on the rise, adding a heavy burden on municipal budgets.
How can cities cope with these challenges of today and tomorrow? It all begins with street lighting. And BrightLife.
Let BrightLife help you tackle these challenges

Technologies are transforming your tomorrow, today.
Transformational technologies, such as IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, 5G and edge computing, are poised to change every aspect of how a smart city is managed and monitored. BrightLife’s end-to-end connectivity solution helps cities establish these technologies to scale—without the negative disruption to people and processes.
Smart cities need more than just technology. They need the smarts to back them up.
Smart-city projects are not only about connected devices and the IoT. Without the right teams and expertise, cities can offer innovative services to citizens, but cannot tap into the wealth of data collected and mined from smart city applications. BrightLife’s team has a unique track record in fusing decades-long experience in street lighting with advanced IoT technologies.